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Yemi Mobolade Candidate

4/26/2023 - We reached out to Mr. Mobolade informing him that we were getting many requests from Integrity Matters supporters for him to answer our survey.  Many of the candidates informed us that our survey was the most challenging and direct including questions and issues about which voters care very  much. So, we did meet with Mr. Mobolade to discuss many of the issues.  Below are his answers to our survey.  While we very much like him on a personal level, our opinion is that he is very weak on understanding issues.  He did not answer the yes or no portion to the questions which we and many supporters found highly objectionable -- very political. 


Of deepest concern were his answers to the Broadmoor Land Swap and trading away Strawberry Fields which we believe he did a very cursory look and concluded he would support that corrupt land heist of the people's historic parkland.  We were also very unhappy with this responses to RetoolCOS which we believe will be devastating to neighborhoods.  His comment that the infill doesn't affect existing neighborhoods demonstrates a gross misunderstanding of how detrimental flex-zoning will be to neighborhoods as well as the public safety dangers of infill in high risk WUI areas where the evacuation times are already life-threatening.  We were also very disappointed with the response on evacuation modeling -- hist answer mentions fire mitigation which is the City's talking point to try and avoid the evacuation modeling and reporting of times discussion altogether because the developers don't want it. 


We have been bombarded with questions about for whom to vote.  We will not tell people who to vote for, but rather view the important role we serve is to raise red flags. Having said that, we continue to maintain that Wayne Williams will be catastrophic for this City for the many reasons we have enunciated, especially and including, his deceptive campaign claims and the fact that his wife, Holly Williams, is a County Commissioner.  Wayne's ascendancy to mayor would also complete the HBA/Gazette/Suthers (and father-son power brokers Chris & David Jenkins') picks for the city leadership for which they spent millions of dollars duping voters with nonsensical "Water Warrior" direct mail pieces that were funded by Dark Money groups "Citizens for Responsible Leadership" and "Citizens for Protecting Our Water".  We will leave the choice up to you, but we believe Wayne Williams to be as bad as it gets in terms of selling-out to his developer donors at the expense of our public interest and public safety, and you can read about it here -- it's in his votes and his record.  To paraphrase Maya Angelo, "When people tell you who they are, believe them."  Wayne Williams has repeatedly told us who he is.

Integrity Matters Presidents Day

Survey Answers

3/8/2023 - After Mr. Mobolade's campaign saw that Integrity Matters was publishing answers, they reached out, after the deadline, asking to respond and promising to do so asap.  Days passed with excuses until we got an email from Mr. Mobolade, claiming he was not qualified, essentially, to answer these questions.  The only candidate who has done so.  We also should note that Mr. Mobolade is claiming in multiple media interviews to have audibly heard the voice of God. In his interview with KRDO News Radio, he says, "The Mayor's job chose me." (i.e. the Chosen One), and then follows with his audibly heard the voice of God story.  For those evangelicals who follow us, we respect and support all faiths, but we object to using religion in this way, and, in fact, in our reply to Mr. Mobolade, we cite Matthew 6:1 which teaches against this.  We also note that Jim Jones claimed he audibly heard the voice of God too.  It turned out to be a public safety problem when 900 followers, including more than 200 children, died because they believed God spoke to him.


Mr. Mobolade was also a supporter of Black Lives Matter displaying banners on his businesses (downtown coffee shop and bar), one of which was closed due to reported financial mismanagement.


 It's always good to be an informed voter.

Integrity Matters

We are passionate about integrity, character and values.  Nonpartisan, we welcome people of all flavors as long as integrity, principles and values matter to them.


P. O. Box 60082

Colorado Springs, CO  80960

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