City Denies & Stalls
One assumes that on issues that have come under such scrutiny like election security, our leadership is eager to provide data to prove all is well. You can see from the numerous correspondence that was not the case. It's incredibly disturbing. We should not be required to file CORAs, hire lawyers, etc. to get data on our elections that WE FUND. Of note, on the CORAs to get the video camera footage of the ballot boxes, the county hosts all of those except for the City Administration building which we were able to finally get; however, we could not get any of the rest as the county informed us that they are hard drives that have to be taken down and downloaded which they could not do prior to the run-off. Curiously, we learned that candidate Sallie Clark had asked for the same information, and she was denied the City Administration footage claiming downloading it could cause loss of video of all the other videos -- how is that possible when they are all independent hard drives? Disturbing, isn't it? Hats-off to County Clerk Steve Schleiker for recommending a new system that includes real time (rewindable) viewing for every box for every citizen who wants to review. This is called election integrity. Below are a series of communications with our City Clerk and City Attorney trying to get data.